Key Deliverables
As part of its long-term legacy, this Initiative aimed to deliver:
- A comprehensive national strategy on collaborative mental health care that includes treatment, prevention and health promotion components.
- Easy-to-use models and information tools (e.g,. toolkits, guidelines) for clinicians and planners.
- A "Charter" or agreement that commits partner organizations to a set of principles and an approach to collaboration.
- More awareness and appreciation of the benefits of collaboration.
- Collaborative mental health care models that can be adapted to meet the needs of specific populations.
- New training protocols for future practitioners.
- A listing of further research priorities.
Our research and consultations deepened our appreciation and understanding of best practices in Canada, and options for new models for collaborative mental health care in primary care settings.
Click on the IMAGES to access the original Project Proposal to the Primary Health Care Transition Fund, our Terms of Reference and our Final Report.
Project Proposal
Terms of Reference
Final Report |
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