Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Initiative


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Health professionals from across Canada are gaining interest in collaborating with a range of health care providers, consumers, families and caregivers.  While there is no single approach to working in an interprofessional team environment, a lot can be learned from the activities of those who are engaged in collaborative care and those who conduct research in this field.

To learn more about the integration of mental health and primary health care, follow the links below:

  • a set of toolkits for health professionals who want to establish new or enhance old collaborative activities.
  • a series of papers that were commissioned by the CCMHI that provide a snapshot of the current state of collaborative mental health care as it relates to: a framework for collaborative care; barriers and solutions; available research literature; best practices; Canadian initiatives; policy; health human resources; service utilization; and interprofessional educational programs.
  • several key published articles that provide more information about ‘shared care’ or collaborative mental health care.