SPEECHES/CORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCE - January 2006 - CCMHI's submission to INMHA is ranked number one SUBMISSION - September 2005 - CCMHI responds to the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addictions (INMHA)'s appeal for input to a national research strategy on mental health and addictions in Canada. SPEECH - June 11th, 2005 - Minister Carolyn Bennett's speech at the 2005 National Conference on Shared Mental Health Care For MORE INFORMATION on the National Conference on Shared Mental Health Care CLICK HERE SUBMISSION - Feb.17th, 2005 - Presentation by Nick Kates to the Senate Committee
CORRESPONDENCE - June 1st, 2005 - Letter from CCMHI Executive Director, Scott Dudgeon to Michael Decter regarding the importance of including mental health care in the Canadian Health Accord (PDF 3pgs)
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