Toolkits for Consumers, Families and Caregivers
Working together towards recovery: Consumers, families, caregivers and providers A team of experts (people who’ve experienced mental illness themselves, family members and caregivers) have come together to provide you with this toolkit so you won’t feel so alone. It is intended to offer you the information they wished they’d had right from the beginning. Recovery from mental illness is the guiding light of this toolkit. Recovery is living life to the fullest – despite a mental illness. At first, recovery may seem like just too BIG of a mountain to climb – but it is really about finding hope and holding onto it. The goals of Working together towards recovery are:
Pathways to Healing: A Mental Health Guide for First Nations PeopleThis toolkit is written for First Nation people regardless of where you live -- be it in an urban, rural, semi-isolated, or isolated setting This toolkit will help First Nations people who are considering taking action to help themselves or others to heal:
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